Perfect for cottages or full time residence, Almaguin is about 2.5 hours north of Toronto on HWY 11.

Named in 1958 by Jean Sutherland of Toronto by combining “Algonquin” and “Magnetawan River” Almaguin is located north of Nipissing District, fronting on the western edge of Algonquin Park, and encompassing the Eastern half of The District of Parry Sound.  This vast region is approximately 5200 square kilometers and is home to a population of 23, 929. Known for its rugged landscape, unspoiled lakes, & rivers and the Magnetawan river which flows through Almaguin, the region is also home to mixed woodlands, rollings hills, granite outcroppings and many small communities and townships which take advantage of its exquisite natural beauty. Almaguin is home to North America’s largest freshwater lake without an Island – Lake Bernard.

Comprised of the Communities of Bear Lake, Burk’s Falls, Callander, Donchurch, Emsdale, Katrine, Kearney Port Loring, Magnetawan, Novar, Powassan, Restoule, South River, Sprucedale, Sundridge, and Townships of Armour, Joly, Callander, Kearney, Machar, Magnewtawan, McCurrich, Monteith, Nipissing, Perry, Powassan, Ryerson, Strong and Whitestone there is a wide variety of activities to keep you busy all year round.  With hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, swimming, canoeing, kayaking and so much more Almaguin is a dream for those who enjoy the great outdoors.

Interested in purchasing an Almaguin Property?  Find a full list of properties for sale here.

The Lakes of Almaguin include:

Brock, Doe, Deer, Jack, Kelsey, Larson, Pickerel, Pike, Three Mile, Corkery, Hinsburger, Kawawaymog (Round), Loxton, North Tea, Pipe, Tyne, Lake Nipissing, Bluesky, Deadhorse, Forest, Long, Lynch, Peyton, Starvation, Twin Lakes, Widgeon, Beaver, Bridge, Buck, Clam, Cripple, Dewfish, Fifteen, Foote, Fox, Graphite, Grass, Groom, Hart, Island, Little Patterson, Long, Loon, Middle Shanty, North, Perry, Peters, Rock, Sand, Snowshoe, Thirty, Widgeon, Willie, Bacon, Forest, Louck, Sausage, Smyth (Surprise), Twentyseven, Bain, Balsam, Big Caribou, Big Hungry, Broadwell, Cadden, Chartier, Dollars, Duck, Durrell, Hampel, Irish, Island, Jack’s, Julius, Le Grou, Lennon, Little Long, Long (East Mills), Long (Wilson), Memesagamesing (Sag), Milton, Playfair, Seagull, Sharrow, Stanly, Toad, Wauquimakog (Wilson), West Deer, Deer, Lake of Many Islands, Maeck, Pickerel, Spring, Tough, Bray, Eagle, King, Ahmic, Beaver, Bells, Cecebe, Cheer, Crawford, Horn, Hughes, Jeffery, Keiller, Newell, Old Man’s, Pearceley, Ryder, Seguin, Simmons, Spence, Whalley, Axe, Bear, Buck, Compass, Doe, Fifteen Mile, Horn, Meadow, Round, Barton, Busch, Gerber, Long, Lynette’s, McQuaby, Peachman’s, Ruth, South Bay (Lake Nipissing), Wolfe, Bay, Bittern, Brock, Clear, Emsdale, Fish, Foote, Long, Mirage, Perry, Star, Genessee, McQuoid, Bass, Bob’s, Commanda, Crooked, Lower Merrick, Upper Merrick, Patterson (Stormy), Pine, Rainy, Rausch, Restoule, Sand, Satchels, Shoal, Bartlett, Cecebe, Doe, Goose, Harrison, Bernard, Cheer & Pool.