“Seabreeze is the name given to a long section of the eastern shore of Ten Mile Bay. There are a great many cottages built amongst the silver birches on this shore and the owners are very proud of their fine sand beaches and of hte numerous, natural bubbling springs, which provide many of them with pure ice-cold drinking water.” Taken from By Wagon and Water, printed by Muskoka Printing and Duplicating, Dwight, Ontario. A Division of Flomar Graphics Ltd. May 1980.
Seabreeze Road is located on the eastern shore of Ten Mile Bay, Lake of Bays, Muskoka. Originally settled in 1880 by pioneers who attempted to farm the land, it gradually shifted to cottage properties. By the 1920’s a large wharf was built which allowed the Iroquois Steamship to deliver people and supplies to shores through the summer months. Seabreeze Road is now home to a number of year round residents who enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches, the walking path and the close proximity to both Huntsville and Dorset.
While new development on the road takes place, there is still a sense of tradition along Seabreeze road, starting with the Seabreeze community Church (loacted on the orginal road, just before the start of the walking path) which still holds summer services through July and August. For more history on Lake of Bays visit:
Austin Lane, Clovelly, Dorset, Kerrimuir, & Scott’s Boathouse.
Watch the video produced by the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation on the history of Seabreeze Road.
The Township of Lake of Bays, named after the main lake within the township borders – “Lake of Bays,” is comprised of four hamlets: Dwight, Dorset, Baysville and Hillside. It is located in north-eastern Muskoka beside world renowned Algonquin Park. With a permanent population of approximately 3167, the numbers swell in the summer season to about 11,327. The Township is home to 100 freshwater lakes, an abundance of wildlife, dense forested lands, rugged landscape, granite outcroppings and a natural beauty that none can surpass.