Muskoka Lakes is a Township within the District of Muskoka. It is approximately 794.26 square kilometres and has a year round population of 6588. Located on the Canadian Shield it is home to 80 lakes, an abundance of wildlife, evergreens, treed lands, and of course Lake Rosseau, Lake Joseph and Lake Muskoka. Within the boundaries of Muskoka Lakes lie two protected areas: Hardy Lake Provincial Park and Torrance Barrens Conservation Area.
Amalgamated in 1971 to include the Townships of Cardwell, Watt, Medora, Wood, the Town of Bala, Village of Port Carling, Village of Windermere and part of the township of Monock, this Township is home to some of Muskoka’s oldest settlements.
Bala- named after Bala Lake District in Wales in 1868 officially became a town in 1914. Located by the waterfalls, the Town of Bala is well known as the home of the Cranberry Festival, the Kee to Bala and Don’s Bakery. The town itself is home to a large selection of unique retail shops which are sure to delight everyone.
Port Carling – Muskoka’s oldest community began as an Ojibway Settlement which the Natives called Obajewanung mean “gathering place.” It was incorporated as a village in 1896 with a total population of 110. The central location to all of the lakes helps this delightful community to thrive. Today one can still observe the passage of large steamships such as the Segwun through town, which is home to a huge selection of boutiques and restaurants.
Windermere was first established in 1868. One of the original settlers was Thomas Aitken, whose home not only became the post office, but eventually grew into Windermere House. Thomas was then successful in convincing the Muskoka Navigation Company to make Windermere House a port of call for the steamships, thereby, becoming an important stopping point between Port Carling and Rosseau.
When we think of Muskoka Lakes we think of Lake Joseph, Lake Muskoka and Lake Rosseau. Lake Joseph is approximately 54.6 kilometres square and is connected to Lake Rosseau through the narrows at Port Sandfield and the Joseph River. It is west of Lake Rosseau. Lake Rosseau is approximately 120 square kilometres and is connected to Lake Muskoka by the Indian River and the Lock System in Port Carling. Lake Muskoka is 120 kilometres square and is fed by the Muskoka River, Lake Joseph and Lake Rosseau. The name Muskoka comes from an Ojibwe Tribe Chief Musquakie, whose name means “not easily turned back in the day of battle.” Lake Rosseau, Joseph and Muskoka are all part of the Muskoka Lakes Association, a group with the goal of preserving Muskoka and lake quality. For more information on the Association, visit their website.
Interested in purchasing a property? Click here to see a full list of all homes and cottages for sale in Muskoka Lakes.
Combined Lake Rosseau, Lake Muskoka, Lake Joseph and Lake of Bays account for over 30% of the total lake surface area in Muskoka.
To see the Lake Data Sheets, please click on the appropriate link.
To view the Lake Fact Sheets produced by the Ministry of Natural Resources, please click on the desired lake:
Muskoka Lake, Lake Joseph, Lake Rosseau.