Kawagama LakeKawagama Lake is the largest lake in the Haliburton area.  Located in the Township of Algonquin Highlands, the lake was once known as Hollow Lake.  In fact “Kawagama” is the Indeginous word meaning “hollow.” The Lake is set within outstanding scenery with high cliffs, rock cuts and beautiful treed lands.

The Lake covers approximately 3150 hectars and has a perimeter of 109 kilometers.  The maximum depth found in the lake is 73 meters, while the median depth is 22 meters.  Water levels on the lake are controlled by the Muskoka River Water Management plan by use of an MNR owned and operated dam.

There is public access to the lake at the Kawagama Lake Road launch, on Bear Lake Road and McClintock Road.  There are two marinas on the lake: Mountain Trail House Marina and Old Mill Marina.

Major fish species in the lake are: Brook Trout, Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, Lake Herring, Rainbow Smelt, Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass and Yellow Perch.

Kawagama Lake has an active Lake Association.  The state goals of this association are as follows:

  • “Preserve the Heritage” on Kawagama and Bear Lakes;

  • encourage all members to practise good stewardship to maintain the unspoiled lake environment for our children and grandchildren;

  • encourage respect for life, lifestyle and quality of life;

  • build community spirit and support for initiatives of the KLCA such as regattas, and other recreational and educational events; and

  • interact with municipal, provincial and federal government representatives and agencies regarding land use, taxation and environmental issues.

~Kawagama Lake Cottagers Association

View the The Lake Fact Sheet

While cottages do come up for sale on The Lake, there is the possibility that none are currently available through the MLS system.  Please contact us directly for more cottages for sale or visit the Muskoka Listings page for all cottages and homes for sale in Muskoka.

Kawagama Lake Listings:

[soldpress-listings type="list" sort="price-high" dfd_WaterBodyName="Kawagama" dfd_waterfrontYN="True"]